Please welcome author Jeff LaFerney to my blog today. Jeff is the author of two fantastic novels, 'Loving the Rain' and 'Skeleton Key'.
Today we're picking Jeff's brain and finding out more about him and his novels.Also, you can download 'Skeleton Key' free today only on Amazon! Go grab your copy now, and please remember to leave a review!
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’ve spent my whole life in school. I graduated high school and went to college and then was hired as a teacher upon graduation. I teach 8th grade English, and I’ve coached basketball and softball my whole career. I’ve been married for 25 years and have a son and a daughter both of whom are in college. I love sports, reading, and writing, of course.
Other than writing, what else are you passionate about?
I love my family, first of all. Also, I’ve enjoyed playing, watching, and coaching sports my entire life. I also love my full-time job, which is teaching, where I’m rewarded in some positive way nearly every day.
What made you decide to become a writer?
I started writing at a time in my life when I needed a change, and I’d been thinking about writing for quite a long time. It was a job opportunity that I didn’t get that put me over the edge, though, and motivated me to put my energies into something new.
What brought you to this genre?
I’ve liked reading mysteries since I was a kid and most of my favorite TV shows are detective-type series. Many of my favorite authors write suspense/thrillers or mysteries, so I wanted to give it a try.
Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
Not really. Occasionally I paint myself into a corner and have to figure a way out or I know what’s next for my main plot, but I stall out temporarily on a sub-plot. When that happens, I just do something else, or have a chat with my wife, and usually I get an idea pretty quickly.
Where do you get your inspiration, e.g. music, dreams etc
I get my best ideas from research or talking to people. I get a starting idea and then the information I gather often leads me in a direction I hadn’t planned.
Can you tell us a bit about your book?
I have a series of books. Loving the Rain is the first, and Skeleton Key is next. Bulletproof will be released within a couple of months. My characters, Clay Thomas and his son, Tanner, have a medical anomaly in their brains which allows them to take in and control data that others cannot. They possess parapsychological abilities which they use to solve mysteries. In Loving the Rain, they are trying to stop a criminal intent on revenge while protecting their family and keeping their secrets. In Skeleton Key, they solve a seven-year-old murder mystery that occurred on a train. In Bulletproof, they will solve a series of robberies as well as the mysterious death of a hotel patron eleven years before.
Describe your novel in five words.
Ghost’s murder mystery is solved.
Who is your favourite character and why?
I like the character of Tanner Thomas because he’s an athletic young man who has a pure heart but loves the powers he possesses. I also like a midget by the name of Jasper because he gives my stories comic relief.
What are your current / future projects?
My third novel, Bulletproof is currently in editing while my cover design is competed. It should be released soon. I’m considering an action/adventure novel which includes the Ark of the Covenant and time travel. I’m also beginning to do some editing for other authors.
What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?
I think the parapsychology is handled in a unique way. My characters aren’t superheroes or products of evolutionary leaps. They’re just good guys with good values who have gifts that they use for good.
What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?
I love to hear people tell me they couldn’t put the book down—that they were entertained throughout.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
I was just asked that question recently and what came to my mind first is to pay attention to time and to write realistic dialogue. I think more writers should keep timelines and care more about how time is presented in their books. Also, dialogue should sound natural and believable. I often wonder what would happen if authors asked, “Is this how my character would really say this?”
Where can readers find you and more about your book(s)? Where can they purchase your book(s)?
Author page on facebook:
Webpage with links to my books:
Amazon page:
Publishers website with links to purchase my books:
Great interview. I truly enjoyed Loving the Rain and can't wait to start The Skelton Key!