Saturday, 3 December 2011

Review by Jane - In search of Lucy by Lia Fairchild

4 Stars

With an alcoholic mother who was rarely around but prone to violent outbursts when she was, Lucy found herself being protector and carer for her younger sister Katie. Life was very difficult for the girls but while Katie grew up quite well adjusted and was able to meet someone and fall in love, things were not so easy for Lucy. Choosing to stay home to take care of Katie over going to college meant Lucy wasn’t able to fulfil her dreams so when Katie fell pregnant and moved away with her boyfriend Lucy was deeply hurt. The sisters didn’t speak for almost five years until Katie became ill and needed Lucy’s help.

Lucy was a likable and believable character who sometimes made silly choices and was most definitely not perfect. She had built a protective wall around herself, not letting anyone in and hating to ask for help. I could totally understand why she had that attitude, her start in life was really shitty, too many responsibilities too young made her have to grow up before her time. Of course it would mess with your head!! I’m glad she managed to put those demons to rest in the end, even though it was a long time coming.

Lia Fairchild clearly has the ability to tell a story, keeping her readers hooked with realistic dialogue and a steady pace . There were a few editing issues that I tried hard to ignore and because the story was so engaging they did not ruin the read.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed In Search of Lucy.
